Meet Lynn:

I’ve had my nose in a book since I first learned to read, and I’ve loved photography since I received my first camera for Christmas not long after that. Books have always allowed me to visit different places and time periods, and the stories and descriptions of places and culture not my own have been my best preparation for living and traveling in Europe over the past 10 years. My travel is greatly enhanced when I know the stories connected with the place I’m visiting. Novels, histories, local legends—the stories make the place, and the places influence the stories. Reading enables me to better appreciate what I’m seeing, and that’s what I hope to do for you: share the stories and settings that will make your armchair travel and your boots to the ground experiences feel richer and more layered.

About this Site:

Here you’ll find lists of books set in storied settings and places that hold fascinating stories. Every blog post contains pictures, but bonus pictures can be found in the Picture Gallery. And when I have time, I love putting words and pictures together in the Quotes section.



