Books Set in Switzerland
Book List Lynn Pugh Book List Lynn Pugh

Books Set in Switzerland

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Switzerland twice in the past two years, and here are ten books I’ve read that take place in some part of that beautiful country. They capture something of the history, culture, or literary inspiration in landscapes of mountains, clear blue lakes, and bell-bedecked cows. I organized this list by year of publication, and it has books for children, travel memoir, and mystery.

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P.G. Wodehouse Quotes
People Lynn Pugh People Lynn Pugh

P.G. Wodehouse Quotes

P.G. Wodehouse was born on October 15, 1881 in Surrey, and in honor of the 142nd anniversary of his birth I’m sharing ten quotes from his books. I realized this year that in answer to the question, “Who would be at your ideal dinner party?” P.G. Wodehouse topped my list by a long shot. I am constantly amazed at how clever and funny his writing is. I’m especially impressed with his similes and allusions. When my reading palette needs cleansing I reach for Wodehouse.

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Books that Evoke an English Summer’s Day
Book List Lynn Pugh Book List Lynn Pugh

Books that Evoke an English Summer’s Day

While it’s true that English summers can have their share of rain and cold, there are also sure to be many picture-perfect days of warmth, buttercups, and grazing sheep. It’s the perfect time to visit a country house and have tea in the bursting-with-color gardens; take a long walk on a public footpath; or spend the day exploring a new market town or village.

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Books to Welcome Spring
Book List Lynn Pugh Book List Lynn Pugh

Books to Welcome Spring

The metaphorical calendar page is about to turn over to March, and the signs of early spring are visible in France: the first daffodils are up, the Japanese cherry blossoms have opened on their spindly branches, and the sun has been shining almost all week. It really lifts the spirits after the grey and rainy winter, and I started thinking about books that remind me of spring.

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