Richard the Lionheart, Castles, and Limoges
Place Lynn Pugh Place Lynn Pugh

Richard the Lionheart, Castles, and Limoges

Last January I went to stay at a friend’s house in the Dordogne, and on the drive down noticed a sign for the Route de Richard Coeur de Lion. I was immediately intrigued, and this bit of history—along with a desire to check out Limoges porcelain—became the basis for my birthday outing a few days later.

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Château de Chambord
Place Lynn Pugh Place Lynn Pugh

Château de Chambord

Construction began on the château in the early 1500s at the order of King François I who chose the salamander as his symbol, and we see this slithering amphibian represented all throughout the castle. My favorite features are the gorgeous windows that let in so much light, and I’m looking forward to seeing the “double helix” staircase inspired by the designs of Leonardo da Vinci.

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