The Audubon Museum and Nature Center
Place Lynn Pugh Place Lynn Pugh

The Audubon Museum and Nature Center

If you turn off a highway in Henderson, Kentucky, not far from the Ohio River and the Indiana state line, you find yourself quickly leaving behind gas stations and familiar fast food chains and instantly surrounded by trees. Next, and rather improbably, you find yourself parking your car outside of a French château in the middle of the Kentucky wilderness. It’s as if you managed to travel back in time and across an ocean without ever leaving your vehicle. You’ve arrived at the Audubon Museum and Nature Center in the John James Audubon State Park.

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Driving From Paris To Normandy and Brittany
Place Lynn Pugh Place Lynn Pugh

Driving From Paris To Normandy and Brittany

There are many fun weekend trips worth making into Normandy or Brittany when you’re in Paris, and a trip to see the medieval wonder of Le Mont Saint-Michel is the foundation of a March road trip I took in 2019. In three days, my family and a friend saw three unique places: Saint Céneri-le-Gérei, Mont Saint-Michel, and Saint-Malo.

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Place Lynn Pugh Place Lynn Pugh


People have lived in Saint Malo since the 1st century B.C., giving it an extremely storied history of monasteries, pirates, and explorers. Whatever story brings you to this port city, there’s much to discover.

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Jardin des Plantes
Place Lynn Pugh Place Lynn Pugh

Jardin des Plantes

Some might say this is the most magical time of year to visit Paris: they would probably be right. I’ve never seen such exquisite and perfectly formed cherry blossoms as I have in the Jardins des Plantes.

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