A Book of Poetry for Lent

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I love reading according to the seasons, and while I don’t normally observe Lent, this year I’m reading and loving this collection of poetry*, carefully curated by poet Malcolm Guite, with a poem to read each day from Shrove Tuesday into the Easter season. The collection includes Guite’s own poems as well as work from John Donne, George Herbert, Sir Walter Raleigh, and modern poets. The poems themselves are beautiful and leave me with at least one line I find particularly meaningful. In addition to each day’s poetry, Guite writes about each poem, explaining why he included it in a collection focused on Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness and the Christian’s life seen as pilgrimage. His insights into each poem are invaluable, and I’m finding this book an excellent companion as the calendar moves us to spring and the Easter season. Maybe you will, too.

*I use affiliate links for Bookshop.org.


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