Goathland Station

Goathland Train Station is on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway line and is featured in the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s (Sorcerer’s) Stone as Hogsmeade Station, the end of the line for the Hogwarts Express. It is as charming as its sister station, Grosmont, though it is smaller. Like Grosmont, there are connections to Whitby if you want to take a picturesque route to the seaside. There’s a shop and tea room, but my favorite part are the old wartime posters and advertisements; they really make me feel like I’ve stepped back in time.

I visited at the end of the day, and I’ll never forget how gorgeous the sunset was surrounding the village while the sheep grazed freely on the green. I was completely charmed by the police car as well. Hopefully you can visit earlier in the day when there’s plenty of time to walk around the village as well as to Mallyan Spout Waterfall.

As always, you can find even more pictures from Goathland in the Picture Gallery.


Sutton Bank on a Summer’s Night


Alexandre Dumas On Mosquitoes