Five Atmospheric Books for October


October is the perfect time for an atmospheric story especially if that atmosphere includes a little mystery, a little magic, and a little, dare I say it, murder? Here are five books I’ve read in recent years that feel steeped in the perfect atmosphere for fall reading.

  1. The Mystery of Edwin Drood* by Charles Dickens

    This last unfinished Dickens novel had me wishing he’d written more murder mysteries. For bonus atmosphere, you can walk around the town of Rochester in Kent today to get a feel for many locations in the story, including the cathedral.

  2. Benighted* by J.B. Priestley

    I don’t remember all the details of this book; what I do remember is the dark and stormy night in the Welsh countryside and a creepy deserted house. My Goodreads review includes the words “buck-wild, atmospheric, and creepy,” so for those reasons I’m putting it on this list as something you might want to try if that fits your fall reading mood.

  3. I Married a Dead Man by Cornell Woolrich

    This novella was included in a book of short stories written by Woolrich that were positively chilling. I picked it up because he also wrote Rear Window, adapted into a Hitchcock movie I love. My mom described I Married a Dead Man as feeling like watching an episode of The Twilight Zone, and I agree. If you like the noir genre, you’ll enjoy his stories.

  4. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell* by Susanna Clarke

    This sprawling novel has magicians, Napoleonic wars, and faerie. It’s a commitment, but I’d love to read it a second time.

  5. Jane Eyre* by Charlotte Brontë

    If you want the comfort of a classic this fall, there’s a lot of atmosphere to be found at Thornfield on the Yorkshire moors.

I’d love to hear your atmospheric book suggestions! What do you like reading in the fall?

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