9 Books with Themes of Death and Resurrection

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With the approaching of Easter weekend in mind, here are a few books that explore death and resurrection:

  1. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe* by C.S. Lewis

    I’ll go to my own death defending this book as the first in the 7-book series. It has appeal for all ages.

  2. The Last Battle* by C.S. Lewis

    The Chronicles of Narnia* series begins and ends touching on these twin themes.

  3. The Return of Sherlock Holmes* by Arthur Conan Doyle

    For the full experience, you might want to begin with the previous collection of stories, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes*.

  4. A Tale of Two Cities* by Charles Dickens

    The ending of this classic is so satisfying.

  5. Thomasina* by Paul Gallico

    This is one of those children’s books written for adults, too.

  6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows* by J.K. Rowling

    The last in another well-known 7-book series, Rowling handles these themes so well.

  7. The Two Towers* by J.R.R. Tolkien

    Perhaps it’s not sporting to list the middle book of The Lord of the Rings* trilogy, but this one in particular came to mind as having a death and resurrection motif. On further reflection, I would say The Return of the King* does, too.

  8. Peace Like a River* by Leif Enger

    I wasn’t expecting the way this book explores the idea of life after death.

  9. Dominion* by Randy Alcorn

    A Christian mystery thriller with scenes that take place in heaven and unseen places—it’s been years since I read this book, but Alcorn’s thoughts on life after death earn it a place on this list.

*I use affiliate links for Bookshop.org.


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